I thought I'd start up the severe weather blog again considering Hurricane Ike's possible path towards the Gulf Coast. Here is one of the 5-day outlooks (Weather Underground).

Many of the folks that live on the coast are talking about evacuating sometime Thursday if the storm continues as expected. Our part of town sits pretty high, so we aren't worried about storm surge.
Our standing plan doesn't have us evacuating unless the storm is predicted to directly hit us as a significant Cat 4. Even then, I doubt that we would leave. The golden rule of the Gulf Coast storms is run from the water, hide from the wind. We're too high to worry about water and our house is pretty sturdy. Makes a good hiding place :) Plus we have a generator and supplies to deal with loss of utilities after the storm. I'd be more afraid of the trying to evacuate into gridlocked traffic with our two kids than spending a loud, windy night in the house.
If things look bad, we'll throw some plywood on the windows and pull everything into the garage.
I'll post updates here if it continues to head our way.
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